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W.D. & H.O. Wills (NZ) Ltd PetoneW.D. & H.O. Wills (NZ) Ltd PetoneFord Motor Company of New Zealand : Layout of PropertyPhotographs of women working on munitions at the Ford FactoryMap showing part of eastern side of the Hutt ValleyPart of Petone & Lower Hutt Boro's showing the development of the Hutt Valley SettlementHutt Valley Settlement The Hutt Valley 1840-1940 : showing historical placesLower Hutt Valley : 1840Stokes ValleyUpper Stokes Valley looking north, circa 1920Stokes Valley Road in 1955Entrance to Stokes Valley, 1953.Tui Glen, Stokes Valley circa 1953Stokes Valley EntranceW.D. & H.O. Wills : a selection of Christmas packaging and cardsPost Boxes, Stokes ValleyRaukawa Street, Stokes Valley, 1925.Stokes Valley entrance looking west from above Stokes Valley RoadOpening of Stokes Valley - Haywards Toll BridgePetone Wharf with shippingStorm Damage at Taita CollegeRoad Construction in Stokes ValleySpeldhurst Farm in central Stokes ValleyStokes Valley Road, Stokes Valley near the present Speldhurst ParkChildren off to school in Stokes ValleyVehicles on Eastern Hutt Road at entrance to Stokes ValleyAlexander Fowler RobertsWML-W5-PHOTOSW.D & H.O. Wills billboardJackson Street laying sewer pipesJackson Street Marching teamWainuiomata Library foyer reconstructionWainuiomata Library in December 1984Christ Church, TaitaManor Park Golf Course and Haywards Railway Bridge Manor House looking towards Stokes ValleyManor House interior (b)Manor House interiorWestern Hills QuarryWestern HillsCentral Lower HuttCentral Lower HuttTaita7 Bay Street34 Buick Street66 Sydney Street34 Bay Street103 Hutt Road

Aerial views Architecture, Domestic Association football Automobile industry and trade Bands Bridges Britannia Street Buildings Business enterprises Car assembly industry Celebrations Church buildings Churches Cleaning compounds industry Commercial buildings Dwellings Family history Fire Fighters Floods Freezing works Gardens Gatherings Gear Meat Company Gear company Genealogy General Motors General Motors Corporation General Motors Factory High Street Historic buildings Historic houses Historical societies Hotels Houses Houses by Street Hutt City Libraries Hutt River Hutt Road Immigration Industries Industry Jackson Street Land subdivision Libraries Local history Local officials and employees Lower Hutt Industries Lower Hutt portraits Meat industry Museums National parks and reserves Nelson Street Parades Parks Parks and reserves Percy Scenic Reserve Percy's Reserve Persons Petone Buildings Petone Council portraits Petone District High School Petone Fire Brigade Petone Industries Petone Jubilee Petone churches Petone houses Petone industry Petone portraits Petone reserves Petone roads and streets Petone schools Petone sport Portraits Presbyterian Church Public buildings Railroad stations Recreation Recreation areas Riddiford Gardens Rivers Roads and streets Schools Secondary schools Shops Shops and offices Soap industry Soccer Sports clubs Stores, Retail Streets Te Awa Kairangi Vehicle assembly industry Views Wainuiomata environment Wainuiomata gatherings Wainuiomata houses Waiwhetu Stream War Memorial Library Woburn Road local landmark buildings