Welcome to RECOLLECT

Welcome to the Lower Hutt MyRecollect website, a database of photographs, printed items and ephemera about the areas past.
Lower Hutt has a rich heritage. In the early C19th a number of iwi, particularly from Taranaki, moved into the area and in 1840 it became the site of the first New Zealand Company settlement. Petone was for many years one of New Zealand’s great industrial hubs and in the 1950’s the city gained a reputation for its progressive urban design and modernist buildings.
The database is administered by Hutt City Libraries.
You are welcome to share our material on a non-commercial basis but please include a reference and a link back to the original page.
Please note we are not currently accepting members. However we would still like to hear from you, if you have any comments, queries or items to donate or copy get in touch.